The Children

      When the couple has children in common, the damage becomes more severe and has an incredibly damaging effect on those children both short and long-term. As a result of parental infidelity, a child feels a range of mixed emotions. Children are not responsible for either parent's choices, but they are often left feeling guilty, hopeless, tainted, or damaged, which are words used by the children frequently to describe their feelings (Judith Kilborn).


       Having parents who have cheated is often a negative influence on the children as adults when forming a healthy romantic relationship. Mistrusting romantic partners can also cause problems and not allow a healthy connection in relationships to form. Those adult children are more likely to commit infidelity as adults. It is also common for them to not only attract, but also be attracted to cheating partners. If a person with children has experienced infidelity or domestic violence, seeking help from a professional is crucial in order to prevent the Department of Child Safety from intervening and taking away the couple’s children.


     Without professional help, the victims may not be able to provide the necessary care for their children, leading to one or both parties being seen as unfit to be a parent to the children, with grave and life altering consequences. Getting help can be the difference between a family being able to stay together and a life being affected negatively by such situations.